Apartment Nica Island Solta Maslinica Spring is in the air April 10, 2011April 10, 2011 0 Comments gorangoran Spring has arrived on the islands of Solta. Everything is waking upand blooming.
Maslinica, island SoltaMaslinica, island Solta Maslinica – island Solta Maslinica is a settlement on the Solta island, situated in a bay on the west part of{...} READ MOREREAD MORE
Adriatic lighthousesAdriatic lighthouses Adriatic lighthouses – Jadranski svjetionici{...} READ MOREREAD MORE
Octopus Peka – Octopus under the bellOctopus Peka – Octopus under the bell Octopus under the bell Ingredients: -  1.5-2 kg octopus -  0,8-1 kg potatoes -  4 cloves garlic and 2 dl{...} READ MOREREAD MORE
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